What Does "Module as One" Mean in 2021?
Wildland firefighters attend a socially distant fire briefing.By Dr. Jennifer SymondsFire and Aviation Management Medical OfficerU.S. Forest Service
Siberian Smoke -- the Power of Zooming Out
[This was the featured article in the 2021 Spring Issue of Two More Chains.]By Erik Apland, Field Operations Specialist (Acting), Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center
AARs: Why Do We Do Them?
Photo by Kari Greer.[This article by the Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center's (LLC) Analyst Travis Dotson was originally featured in the Fall 2013 issue of Two More Chains.]
It's Not Just You: Burnout and Stress in the Practitioner Community
by Annie SchmidtThis article was originally posted on the Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network Blog and is reproduced here with their permission: LINK TO ORIGINAL BLOG POST
Same as It Ever Was...
Reading through some previous issues of Two More Chains recently, I came across this piece that really struck a chord. This article by Travis Dotson in the Winter 2015 issue stood out to me because its content and message are as relevant -- or even more so -- now as it was when he wrote the piece.
The Lunch Spot
Recently, during a Staff Ride Round Table, my group had a discussion on the significance of “The Lunch Spot”. Lunch spots play a key role in wildland firefighting. They provide a break, a meal, time to reflect, time to analyze, and unfortunately, they also have played pivotal roles in unintended outcomes. How often do we use “The Lunch Spot” as a place to take a tactical pause? Utilizing your lunch spot to analyze what is really going on, just before the peak burning period sets in, will help you make sound decisions.
CAUTION - The Pack Test Involves Risk
The Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center (LLC) has a record of 5 Work Capacity Test related fatalities within the past 10 years.We recently took a close look at reports
Do You Use 'Hedge Words'? ("So, Do You Kinda Know What I Mean?") It's Time to Stop!
[ This article was originally featured in the Spring 2014 issue of Two More Chains. ]By Mark RosenthalAir Attack to a Division Supervisor over Command: “I think I’m gonna use ‘Air-to-Ground 2’ ”.Why do we THINK we are going to do something?