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Funston Road Fire Entrapment 2024

  • Incident Information:

    Attachment Size
    Funston Road Fire Entrapment 72 Hour Report_1.pdf (12.46 MB) 12.46 MB
  • Location:

    North Carolina
  • Date:

  • Incident Type:

  • Description:

    On the Funston Road Fire in North Carolina, two different tractor-plows were burned over. The first tractor-plow operator was able to use their escape route to a preidentified safety zone. The second tractor plow operator was entrapped and burned over but sustained no injuries. 

    The fire investigation team has determined these events meet the criteria of near miss, entrapment and burnover as defined by
    the NWCG. A final report with findings and recommendations will be released and distributed at a later date.

    Entrapment, Heavy Equipment