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Limepoint Fire Burned Vehicle 2024

  • Incident Information:

    Attachment Size
    Limepoint Fire Burned Vehicle RLS.pdf (464.5 KB) 464.5 KB
  • Location:

  • Date:

  • Incident Type:

    Vehicle Burn Damage
  • Keywords:

    Fire Behavior


  • Description:

    On August 2, 2024 at approximately 1600, fire behavior on the Limepoint Fire started picking up in Division Papa. Division Papa’s and Branch’s vehicles were both parked in a small bare dirt clearing outside the fireline near a pile of hose and pumps. As the trees around the area torched out, an ember landed in and ignited that pile of hose. Division Papa’s vehicle was parked within 10 feet of these supplies. Division Papa’s vehicle received fire/heat damage to: the passenger side front quarter panel; both the front and rear door passenger’s-side; the left front side of the grill; and front passenger-side tire.

    Vehicle Burn Damage, Fire Behavior, RLS