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Tecuya Fire Hit by Water Helicopter Incident 2023

  • Incident Information:

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    Tecuya Fire Hit By Water Drop Helicopter Incident RLS.pdf (382.58 KB) 382.58 KB
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  • Incident Type:

    Helicopter Incident or Accident
  • Description:

    On August 2, 2023, crews and aviation resources responded with an aggressive initial response effort to the Tecuya Fire near Frazier Park, California. Several fixed-wing and rotor-wing resources were assigned, with an equally aggressive response from the ground. During this initial attack, a Type 1 helicopter water-dropped on eight hotshot crewmembers. Two crewmembers sustained injuries that required medical transport to a local hospital. Both were released with minor injuries—both were also diagnosed with having a concussion.

    Helicopter Incident or Accident, Aviation, Initial Attack, Hand Crews, Helicopters, RLS