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Waters Gulch Rx Helitorch Mishap

[The 2023 Summer Issue of Two More Chains invited its readers to study several fires that they may not recall—or maybe never even heard of. This short summary of the “Waters Gulch Rx Helitorch Mishap” incident was one of these writeups that originally appeared in that Two More Chains issue.]

Firing Device Mishaps

[The 2023 Summer Issue of Two More Chains invited its readers to study several fires that they may not recall—or maybe never even heard of. These fires all had firing operation incidents. This short feature on “Firing Device Mishaps” was included in this Two More Chains issue.]

Dutch Flat Entrapment

[The 2023 Summer Issue of Two More Chains invited its readers to study several fires that they may not recall—or maybe never even heard of. This short summary of the “Dutch Flat Entrapment” incident was one of these writeups that originally appeared in that Two More Chains issue.]

Fiddlers Island Road Burnout

[The 2023 Summer Issue of Two More Chains invited its readers to study several fires that they may not recall—or maybe never even heard of. This short summary of the “Fiddlers Island Road Burnout” incident was one of these writeups that originally appeared in that Two More Chains issue.]

320 Road Entrapment

[The 2023 Summer Issue of Two More Chains invited its readers to study several fires that they may not recall—or maybe never even heard of. This short summary of the “320 Road Entrapment” incident was one of these writeups that originally appeared in that Two More Chains issue.]

Price Canyon Entrapment

[The 2023 Summer Issue of Two More Chains invited its readers to study several fires that they may not recall—or maybe never even heard of. This short summary of the “Price Canyon Entrapment” incident was one of these writeups that originally appeared in that Two More Chains issue.]

The 2022 NWCG Emergency Medical Service Award Recipients -- and Their Stories

Many of the narratives sent to the Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center involve serious accidents that result in emergency medical treatment and/or medevac to higher levels of care. We would like to honor the recently announced 2022 National Wildfire Coordinating Group's (NWCG) Emergency Medical Service Award recipients.

The Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center has a New Website with a New URL

The Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center staff is excited to share our new website and new URL -