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The Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center’s Podcast, Wildfire Lessons, shares lessons from the interagency wildland fire community. Episodes feature stories, lessons, and perspectives on learning. It's available everywhere podcasts are found.

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  • Episode 8 - Fuel Geysers: A Conversation with Ralph Gonzales

    Unfortunately, when it comes to fuel geysers, there are many popular misconceptions. True or False: "Fuel geysers only happen when it's hot.” “Fuel geysers only happen with chainsaws.”
  • Episode 7 - Drip Torch Leg Burns

    2016 marked the eighth year in a row that the Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center has received at least one report of a serious burn injury on the leg related to drip torch use.
  • Episode 6 - Scouting...High Risk?

    Do you like scouting?  Do you acknowledge the risk involved?  Chances are you take on more exposure than you realize whenever you "go take a look".  Some super dialed-in folks have died scouting:
  • Episode 5 - The Bull Fire Entrapment

    What is it actually like to "Wag Dodge" it?  What does it feel like to realize you are in a bad spot? What are some things you can do to prepare for that moment?  In this episode we hear it all directly from the survivor of an entrapment on the Bull Fire in Arizona.
  • Episode 4 - Lessons and Data

    Where do the lessons live?  In this episode we discuss the relationship between lessons and data and why it matters.  Along the way we wander through the following topics:
  • Episode 3 - The Contractor’s Dilemma

    In this episode we tackle the "Contractor's Dilemma" - the idea that contract fire resources face different pressures that make some conversations about assignment risk more difficult.  Is this an issue?  Is it not?  Take a listen and share your experiences with us.
  • Episode 2 - Emerging Lessons - 2016

    Alex Viktora and Travis Dotson discuss emerging numbers and lessons from the year so far.  Topics discussed include early season physical training medical emergencies, equipment burning up (including lessons about parking in the black), and tire failures.  Tune in to get dialed!
  • Episode 1 - Chainsaws and Fire Season 2016: A Chat with Travis Dotson

    Travis Dotson, Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center Analyst, has been crunching the numbers on chainsaw incidents during the 2016 fire season.  Listen in to hear his thoughts on chainsaws, and what sawyers and crew leaders might do differently based on what he's seen so far this season.