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2023 Year End Infographic: Tree Strikes

For this last post highlighting the 2023 Year End Infographic, we look at the reports of "hit by tree" incidents we received last year. These incidents included both people and UTVs and getting struck by falling trees or limbs. These incidents resulted in numerous injuries, including serious, life-altering injuries, and one fatality.

Just as in previous years, the above numbers are an important reminder that incidents from falling trees and limbs occur during all kinds of fire-related operations, not just tree felling. Comparing 2023 to the last few years, tree felling made up a higher proportion of these incidents than average. Our analyst highlighted the Lookout Fire Hit by Tree incident to share this lesson:

For a look at some of the other incidents that went into the 2023 Infographic, click the links below to navigate to their incident pages.

Oconee Ranger District UTV Tree Strike

Lone Pine Fire Hit by Tree

Shearwood Creek Fire UTV Hit by Tree

Ridge Creek Fire Hit by Tree

Lookout Fire Swamper Hit by Tree

East Eagle-Mud Springs Prescribed Fire Hit by Tree

Thanks for joining us in this step-by-step look at the Infographic. Remember that you can view the entire document and print it to share with your colleagues to spur reflection and discussion!